Go-Live Handbook


All U.S. Field Staff

Welcome to the Workday Era!

As we integrate this new system into our ministry processes, we hope that this ​handbook equips you in the introduction to this tool.

This handbook will continue to be updated as we move towards go-live. You will ​notice an under construction icon beside each resource that’s still in the works!

Different applications for different purposes

creating  icon



Continues to be our Staff and Volunteer intranet containing documentation and resources.

  • Policies
  • Resources
  • Staff/Vol Screenings
  • Camp Res / Requests

YL Connect

Continues to manage kids, parents, ​donors, volunteers and events. ​Finances collected in YL Connect will ​show in the Workday budgeting ​application (Adaptive).

  • Donor funds
  • Core Ministry Counts/CMI
  • YL Connect Camp/Webconnex
  • Volunteer Manager


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Manage your personal employment, ​staffing, HR needs and Mission Unit ​(called Cost Center in Workday) ​finances (R&E).

  • W-2/Payroll
  • Expense Reports/Invoice Request
  • Management of staff
  • Time and Absence (PTO/Leaves)
  • Budgets

What’s Going Away:

Familiarize yourself with upcoming transitions dates here


Cash Flow



cash flow glyph icon


Within Workday staff will manage invoice requests, reimbursements, ​cash advances, and expense allocation and approval processes


Adaptive, a tool within Workday, will allow you to manage revenue, expenses, projections, budgeting, and cash months

In the Works!

We are still in the process of creating a PPL replacement, so in the ​meantime we recommend utilizing YL Connect reports

Other Changes in the Workday Era

Workday empowers individuals and supervisors through self-service ​management of employee information

U.S. Payroll

Ex: Paystubs, W-2, ​Dire​ct Deposits

Non-Medical ​Benefits

Ex: Health Club Reimbursement, ​Dependent Campership

Time Entry

For hourly staff usage ​and supervisor visibility​

Paid Time Off

Requests. tracking, ​and approv​als


Easily view your compensation ​and those you supervise


Hiring managers will have more visibility to job applications and management


Learn the new language ​in Workday as some ​terms will be changing.

Here are a few to get ​started:


Workday ​Term

Workday Impact


Sup Org ​(Supervisory ​Organization)

Workday structure representing who reports ​to whom

Used to route business processes for ​review/approval

Mission Unit

Cost Center

Formerly known as Mission Unit as related to ​Finance

New term

Cost Center ​Manager

The person who holds fiscal responsibility for the cost center (typically the highest ranking person within that CC)

New term


How Operating, Campership or Capital monies are categorized

New term

Contingent ​Wor​ker

A volunteer who needs access to Workday to ​perform business functions (ex: approve ​expen​se reports)



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Workday is set up so that you see information specific to YOU based on your role, your job and those you supervise. Everyone's homescreen can look different based on these profiles and security settings, as well as the individual preferences each person can set for themselves.

Follow the links below for instructions on utilization of your homepage, the search bar, dashboards, and other general navigation.

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Check Box Icon

Verify Personal Information

(name, email, phone number, address)

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Access My Employee Dashboard

*Link available July 1*

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Each employee has a individualized dashboard ​where they can easily access frequently used ​functions inside workday.



In efforts to encourage ​staff to build ​comprehension of ​Workday before inviting ​volunteers in, staff will not ​be able to delegate ​expense report approvers ​to volunteers until after ​October 1, 2024

Text Messaging

Who will have access to ​Workday ​on July 1?

Long iMessage Bubble Blue Icon

All YL staff and “Contingent Workers“. These are ​volunteers who have a PCard and / or Concur account ​to create invoices, receive reimbursements, or serve as ​approvers.

Text Messaging

Will my Concur approver be ​my Workday approver?

Long iMessage Bubble Blue Icon

Contingent workers aren’t being set up as expense approvers ​initially. Supervisors will approve expense reports / invoices. ​Contingent workers will be able to see expenses associated ​with the whole Cost Center inside Adaptive.



In order to remove a ​contingent worker from ​Workday, you will need to ​contact your regional office ​after you have removed ​them from the Volunteer ​Manager Application in YL ​Connect

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Notable process change for staff using ​volunteer approvers:

Cost Center Managers (the person who holds ​fiscal responsibility for the cost center) are ​the default approver in Workday. Concur ​users and approver profiles will be loaded ​into Workday for go-live, but only to view ​expenses associated with their Cost Center.

For Cost Center Manager level staff, the Cost ​Center Manager of the next highest Cost ​Center will be their approver by default .


Honorariums will eventually happen in Workday, until then utilize the ​NEW Cognito link below to request them from Payroll.

Honorariums will continue to show up on a month’s paycheck if ​submitted by the 15th of that month.


Financial Services will transfer current recurring invoice requests to ​Workday.

On July 1, Cost Center Manager can see recurring transfers by following ​View Supplier -> Overview Tab -> Supplier Contracts

To create a new recurring invoice, follow

Create Invoice Request > Supplier Contract.


WHAT’S NEW: Workday will give functionality to allocate expenses to any Cost Center, ​pending approval from requested Cost Center Manager, reducing the number of internal ​transfers required.

RECURRING TRANSFERS (that were active as of June 2024) will be transferred to ​Workday via our Financial Services Team and will continue in July. Similar to years past, ​recurring transfers will stop at the end of the fiscal year and will need to be reinstated ​as needed at the start of the fiscal year.

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*New* One Time

Internal Transfer Form

Coming Soon!

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Adaptive will not be available for use on July 1. Additional ​information about when Adaptive will be available is ​forthcoming

The FY25 budget process will happen in Cash Flow ​as normal, regions will communicate budget ​processes with areas.

It will serve as the replacement for Cash Flow to ​manage expenses, revenue, projections, budgets, ​and cash months.

Adaptive will be loaded with budgets and actuals as ​far back as FY23. Information prior to FY23 will be ​available via reports if needed.

Reports are used in conjunction with Adaptive to ​access a more full financial picture.

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Adaptive Guides coming soon!

Functions that used to live in Concur such as expense ​reports, approvals, out of pocket expenses, and invoice ​creation will now live in Workday

Vendors will now be known as “suppliers” in Workday. ​Suppliers will be transferred from Concur. The process to add ​a new supplier will change, so be sure to note “add new supplie​r guide”prior to creating an invoice​.

Staff will have the ability to allocate expenses to any Cost ​Center in the mission within their expense report, reducing the ​need for internal transfers. Approval for this expense will be ​required by the Cost Center Manager before posting.

Expense reports will continue to be utilized for comprehensive stewardship accountability and transparency requiring continued practices such as receipts for purchases over $75 and accurate business descriptions (now called memos). Cost Center Managers will approve unless otherwise delegated to a direct report or contingent worker.


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Workday Term:


YL Section

Young Life is broken up into five sections in ​Workday. Your section will automatically default ​to field.


Formerly known as business purpose. Why do you ​spend the money?

Expense Line

Used to indicate the “type” of transaction (i.e. ​out-of-pocket, mileage or p-card).

Spend Categories

Formerly known as accounts. (Ex: program, office, ​etc)

expense bill icon
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Click on each function for a user guide

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*Hourly employee note: ​payroll cycle dates have not ​changed from the 15th and ​30th

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Workday runs business processes ​based off the Supervisory Hierarchy ​structure. This is called a SupOrg.

SupOrgs also allow you to see where ​others “sit” in the organization. Your ​unique position in the SupOrg ​determines what you can do, what ​you can approve, and what you are ​made aware of for those you ​supervise.

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*Self service coming soon to ​Workday!

Non-Medical ​Benefits

(Health Club, ​Counseling)

Benefits ​Dashboard

*coming soon*


This handbook is just one tool of many meant to help ​introduce you to Workday! Stay tuned for additional ​resources and training opportunities!

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Additional Support

Tune in to the US Field Training page for all ​information on Workday training calls that ​will be offered and recorded in June / July

The Connections Team will be able to assist ​you in any additional support you need outside ​of the resources created


Send E-mail Icon

Bring Workday on the go with ​you with the Workday mobile ​app!

Available for download at Go Live

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Team Glyph Icon

Additional Support Hours For July

Looking for Icon
Email Letter Icon
Clock icon vector, Time symbol


For what?




Help Desk

  • Workday Login or Account Issues
  • General Navigation General
  • Reporting Questions 

Monday/Tuesday 8-5

Wednesday: 8-7

Thursday/Friday: 8-5

Saturday - 8-10

Sunday 12-2


Human Resources

  • Payroll
  • Recruiting
  • HCM Core
  • HR Reporting
  • Time Tracking
  • Compensation
  • Absence

Monday/Tuesday 8-5

Wednesday: 8-7

Thursday/Friday: 8-5

Saturday - 8-10

Sunday 12-2


  • Expenses
  • Budgets/Adaptive 
  • Suppliers 

Financial Services

  • PCard Issues 
  • FINS Reporting  

Monday - Friday

7 - 5